Faster, faster!
Screams the little boy to his horse. Rain and wind scorching his face downhill he s alive while running away from certain death. The past cannot be forgotten nor left behind. But we all eventually try to do so. No matter how fast you go, no matter how far you are. Someday, somehow it will catch you.
The illusion of freedom from your lips taste just as a mortal feeling. We all pay sooner or later. Life has his own way to get even.
Between trees and rocks, water and wind, fire and arrows, the boy laugh as he turns his back to death. His pursuers, raging, holding with hatred their reins keep their eyes carved to the boy s silhouette. They know they will catch him. It s a question of time. Time that is playing on their side. Smiling full of anger trying to match the boy haughty smile the chase keep going for a timeless night.
Is stealing a kiss such a crime? Been chased over the hills and the plains, over rain and the burning sun, is the price to pay for a smile from you? He doesn t care, he knows he will be caught. Eventually. But now only the memory of this first kiss makes him the happiest outlaw in the run. Eventually.
jeudi 22 mai 2008
lundi 19 mai 2008
Night Eternal

Um novo album de Moonspell. Uma nova rota no Metal. Cada cd e uma nova surpresa. Mais maduro este Night Eternal abrange muitos tipos de sonoridades dentro daquilo a que muitos classificam como gritaria similar. Ha Black, Death, Goth, Folk, Ate Power se nao formos muito picuinhas. Negras sao as suas letras, sempre marcadas pela renovacao pela morte, ou sofrimento, bem ao estilo Goth =)
Ainda estou nas primeiras impressoes, mas ja se pode notar um trabalho mais tecnico a volta deste album, menos cru que o antologico Wolfheart sem significar no entanto que nao tenha a marca Moonspell.
Para quem comprar a Limited Edition, o DVD apresenta algumas musicas em live desde Wacken 2007. Acho que me consegui ver a fazer um Metal Fork (um dos 2345690 que fiz la). So da para notar a mao, mas pelo posicionamento e se o zoom me permitir verificar se se trata de um dos meus antigos aneis =)
Agora toca a ouvi lo mais um par de vezes, descobrindo novas maneiras de sentir este album, porque "Through pain come clarity"
vendredi 16 mai 2008
A procura de um lugar
Longe. Ir cada vez mais longe, perder-se para nunca ser encontrado. Onde não haja nada de novo, nem nada de velho. Ser uma concha em que a ilusão do seu mar interior ecoa pelo vazio. Um lugar onde eu não seja. Mas sim um lugar onde esteja.
mercredi 14 mai 2008
lundi 5 mai 2008
True to oneself
The hardest is to keep being honest to ourselves. Having strong believes is easy. Being able to stick to them is far from a piece of cake. Struggling between will and wants the soul keeps looking for the right balance.
There is no right or wrong path besides the one which is ours. Do, want you truly want to do. Be, what you truly want to be.
What do I really am? Am I who I wished to be? For now, yes. But everyday day is a constant choice making one. Trying to be myself besides what I could be, knowing I won t like the result if I would.
There is no right or wrong path besides the one which is ours. Do, want you truly want to do. Be, what you truly want to be.
What do I really am? Am I who I wished to be? For now, yes. But everyday day is a constant choice making one. Trying to be myself besides what I could be, knowing I won t like the result if I would.
jeudi 1 mai 2008
Summer is here, the new beginings also. After the fires which burned the old boundaries, the renewal has been unleashed. Beltane!
new worlds
Each traveler is an emissary of his own land. Bringing diversity to the one already present where he goes. We bring more than ourselves when we arrive somewhere, we bring what we are but also where we are. A tiny piece of time space which is not always the missing part of the moving puzzle we call reality. Adapting to a new world without losing our own identity is far from impossible. In fact is most enjoyable. Differences are to be discovered, sometimes loved, others hated but never rejected.
Creating is about bringing what you have with you, and mixing it with everything you can find attractive where you are. Transporting what you where somewhere else to be the same can make you fell secure, but you won t learn much. It s like going to a foreign country and only eat at the local Mac Donald s.
Creating is about bringing what you have with you, and mixing it with everything you can find attractive where you are. Transporting what you where somewhere else to be the same can make you fell secure, but you won t learn much. It s like going to a foreign country and only eat at the local Mac Donald s.
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