jeudi 30 avril 2009
mercredi 29 avril 2009
I look back and I don t see me anymore. So strong or fragile I was. Euphemism for fucked up. I m just me now. No more mirror faces nor bleeding guilt for the crimes I though to commit, no more sadness over the choices I dare to took or those I wished to have taken. Now It s just the smell of the dirt under the redemptive rain and me;
samedi 25 avril 2009
Finalmente os meus Eus chegaram a um acordo. Já podem viver todos juntos em paz. Todos eles no mesmo espaço, com todas as suas diferenças e compatibilidades, as varias facetas temporais e intemporais de um mesmo ser, adaptável ao seu meio ambiente sem não entanto deixar de ser a única e mesma pessoa.
Tantas vezes me meti na cabeça que poderia chamar meus amigos aos teus. Na verdade, eles só eram meus por acréscimo. Aceite não por mim, mas sim por ti.
Quando te afastaste, ou fui eu, não me interessa recordar-me de detalhes, deixei de ser o apêndice, deixei de entrar na equação diária dos nossos encontros, e dos deles. Surpresa estranha ao ser relegado a um plano fora do nosso cosmos. Ao perder a tua orbita, deixei de ser uma estrela. Tornei-me uma lua, cinzenta e morta aos olhos de todos aqueles que faziam parte do meu Mundo. Mas será que alguma vez foram parte do meu? Ou somente do teu?
Alguns ficaram, inabaláveis, e presentes. Esses eram meus, e teus. Eram nossos. Que convencido fui ao acreditar não neles mas em mim. Mas é tudo uma aprendizagem. Hoje ficaram muito poucos, deles não queres saber, alias, sempre quiseste saber de ti, e nunca dos outros, fúteis formas de vida que rodeiam a tua volta. Dos laços que nos uniam só existe agora a memória de outros tempos. Lembras-te? Ou também já te esqueceste?

Quando te afastaste, ou fui eu, não me interessa recordar-me de detalhes, deixei de ser o apêndice, deixei de entrar na equação diária dos nossos encontros, e dos deles. Surpresa estranha ao ser relegado a um plano fora do nosso cosmos. Ao perder a tua orbita, deixei de ser uma estrela. Tornei-me uma lua, cinzenta e morta aos olhos de todos aqueles que faziam parte do meu Mundo. Mas será que alguma vez foram parte do meu? Ou somente do teu?
Alguns ficaram, inabaláveis, e presentes. Esses eram meus, e teus. Eram nossos. Que convencido fui ao acreditar não neles mas em mim. Mas é tudo uma aprendizagem. Hoje ficaram muito poucos, deles não queres saber, alias, sempre quiseste saber de ti, e nunca dos outros, fúteis formas de vida que rodeiam a tua volta. Dos laços que nos uniam só existe agora a memória de outros tempos. Lembras-te? Ou também já te esqueceste?

dimanche 19 avril 2009
Timing is everything
Picking the right moment to say or do the right thing is the essence of everything. We make judgments about everything in a matter of seconds, rarely giving away a second thought about what we decided just after a little gesture.
Sometimes it s even the confirmation about what our guts made us feel, the final conclusion and proof of our intuition. It could be the truth, but letting get away all the conditionality of this specific moment which led to an single act... could not be the correct course of action.
Everybody deserves a second chance, sometimes three.
In our fast growing world, everything is made within seconds, no time to waste, we catalog all our surrounding, human or not, in a way to quicken the information flow. But is it working? Quick ruling and intuition are quite different. Too bad most of the people consider granted the whole concept of our personality just because of what we show or what we just said. I miss the time that I never lived, when everything took time enough to be unfolded. Today, as yesterday, it was cautious to keep some cards in hand, keeping the true "us" for some chosen ones. Even if it implicates showing a very different image from "our selves".
Nowadays we skip this discovery and trust moment in detriment of a tag reading.
Tag, that we organize mostly our own way, which, most of the case is completely different from the tagged person...
As a quick example, I m tagged as Gothic all the times... But seriously, ask a real Goth... You ll get an answer... maybe too complicated for you to understand. It s quite complex to define a goth, and I won t even try to explain you the evolution (or better transformation, or mutation) where I stand now considering myself as a Christian Pagan Meritocrat Pothead Reiki teacher...
Hopefully and Surprisingly is it possible to find people interested in discovering more about each others. I have to confess I used to read my own tags also instead of really caring of what the other person could have to say.
But now, it s over.
Image from:
Sometimes it s even the confirmation about what our guts made us feel, the final conclusion and proof of our intuition. It could be the truth, but letting get away all the conditionality of this specific moment which led to an single act... could not be the correct course of action.
Everybody deserves a second chance, sometimes three.
In our fast growing world, everything is made within seconds, no time to waste, we catalog all our surrounding, human or not, in a way to quicken the information flow. But is it working? Quick ruling and intuition are quite different. Too bad most of the people consider granted the whole concept of our personality just because of what we show or what we just said. I miss the time that I never lived, when everything took time enough to be unfolded. Today, as yesterday, it was cautious to keep some cards in hand, keeping the true "us" for some chosen ones. Even if it implicates showing a very different image from "our selves".
Nowadays we skip this discovery and trust moment in detriment of a tag reading.

Tag, that we organize mostly our own way, which, most of the case is completely different from the tagged person...
As a quick example, I m tagged as Gothic all the times... But seriously, ask a real Goth... You ll get an answer... maybe too complicated for you to understand. It s quite complex to define a goth, and I won t even try to explain you the evolution (or better transformation, or mutation) where I stand now considering myself as a Christian Pagan Meritocrat Pothead Reiki teacher...
Hopefully and Surprisingly is it possible to find people interested in discovering more about each others. I have to confess I used to read my own tags also instead of really caring of what the other person could have to say.
But now, it s over.
Image from:
lundi 6 avril 2009
Si loin, si pret. Tout est à portée de main. Le printemps commence son nettoyage, laissant maintenant assez de place pour developper les projects en place. Le ciel est bleu et degagé maintenant. Tout arrive à temps.
vendredi 3 avril 2009
Mars 2009
C'est fait. Mars est fini. Tout comme les croissants aujourd hui à la Cafeteria... vais-je manger la deuxième saucisses de ma vie au petit déj? Que choisir? Les "gateaux" allemands? Les sandwichs? Une saucisse???? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa que faire!
Enfin bref, passons a autre chose. Mars fut encore un mois comme on les aime, parties, tranquilité, actions, achats, bons moments... 2009 est une TRES bonne année. Surfant sur cette vague, j'attend activement la consécration de TVKom...
A suivre... le mois prochain
Enfin bref, passons a autre chose. Mars fut encore un mois comme on les aime, parties, tranquilité, actions, achats, bons moments... 2009 est une TRES bonne année. Surfant sur cette vague, j'attend activement la consécration de TVKom...
A suivre... le mois prochain
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