jeudi 24 septembre 2009


Mabon is finished. Starting of new leads conscious of the old trails and of any stone encountered before. Stones are now part of the path instead of blocking it. As long as I can see they were stones. Gifts are given, sorrow forgiven and light fades up with a smile over the face.
Sun is no more, dark night blossoms as an eternal reminder of the the blessings given and to be given.
Rituals thankfully repeated are the winged desire of a better now, in which the past is the lesson to be learned before ascending to what is aimed.

But enough talk.

Do is the right verb now.

jeudi 10 septembre 2009

I don t like...

Everytime I stop somewhere I found people I don t like.

Living in Portugal I hated those limited people always around like they owned the truth. Too idiots to see the world is nor black nor white but a great scale of grey.
Then I found the frenchies and they natural arrogance due to a great past and an empty present. A country based on a deformed image of the "mode" and the "culture". But by the end, they are just as empty as the one I left in Portugal.
Then I came to Germany. Here also quite a lot of limited people. Very centered in their own world, sure of their über alle capacity and work only vision.

Yeah, I m sure, being an idiot as nothing to do with nationality.

Too many times I forget I found beautiful people all the way, even and mostly being different than me. I should focus more on that, instead of complaining about the assholes of the world... otherwise I will lost myself counting them...