lundi 5 mai 2008

True to oneself

The hardest is to keep being honest to ourselves. Having strong believes is easy. Being able to stick to them is far from a piece of cake. Struggling between will and wants the soul keeps looking for the right balance.
There is no right or wrong path besides the one which is ours. Do, want you truly want to do. Be, what you truly want to be.

What do I really am? Am I who I wished to be? For now, yes. But everyday day is a constant choice making one. Trying to be myself besides what I could be, knowing I won t like the result if I would.

3 commentaires:

vania a dit…

menino...sim, ás vezes é dificil ser honesto consigo proprio, mas ter principios nao significa que saibas utilizá-los... Nao te deixes ir abaixo por olhos cegos que te tentam cegar também...Tu tens o poder de te misturares no meio de uma multidao e seres visto por aquilo que és... e isso, está aos olhos de todos**

Christian Fernandes a dit…


alesasa a dit…

This one is for sure, I know you are able to do so, and you WILL :)